Simply Peel and Stick the Smart Patch to Your Smartphone!
Instant EMF Protection – Never Needs Replacing
Smart Patch EMF Protection
Cell and Smartphones, Wireless devices, Appliances and Electronics

Smart Patch by SafeSpace – Proven technology that protects from the effects of EMF radiation generated by electronic and wireless devices.
The SafeSpace Smart Patch successfully neutralizes the toxic effect of harmful EMFs and converts them to harmonious waves that support health and well-being.
Apply a single Smart Patch to your cell phone, smartphone, tablet, laptop, notebook, headsets, Bluetooth technologies, cordless landline phones, and routers.
The 5/8 inch square, self-adhesive patch is razor thin for easy application anywhere on your device. The package of two comes complete with instructions and suggestions for additional uses.

“I use my cell phone an average of 600 to 900 minutes per month. Before using the SafeSpace Smart Patch™. I’d feel ache s and pains in my neck and shoulder. My pain totally disappeared after using this product for less than a week!” W.S., Sales Representative
“I use my I-phone on a regular basis and I’d often feel so lousy when I did – I was reluctant to use it. Now that I have been using the Smart patch I feel much better and have noticed a great improvement in my energy.” A.E., Computer Programmer, Sales Director
“… with this Smart Patch I noticed an immediate calming effect. It really cleared all those negative energies and the stress I was experiencing when using the cell phone. I highly recommend it.” MT Health Spa Manager
“When I used the Smart Patch on my I-phone I noticed an immediate difference. No headaches or irritability!” JC, Singer, Performer
“I’ve been looking for something like this, and it makes me feel good that you have actual research. I’m a real estate agent with two teenagers that are on their tablets and smart phones all the time!—. I’m so glad I can easily protect them with the Smart Patch.” Jeannie Drayton, real estate agent, parent, Granville, CA
Order Now!
The SafeSpace Smart Patch successfully neutralizes the toxic effect of harmful EMFs. Apply a single Smart Patch to your cell phone, smartphone, tablet, laptop, notebook, headsets, Bluetooth technologies, cordless landline phones, and routers.
Check Out The Entire Line Of SafeSpace Products!
- Personal Protection
- Home
- Office
- School
- Auto
- Travel
- Outdoor Environments
Neither Dimensional Design Products, Inc. (SafeSpace), nor its independent national distributor, Energy Equals Wellness, LLC, make any claim that any SafeSpace product is intended to prevent, cure, mitigate, treat, or diagnose disease or medical conditions. If you have any reason to believe you have a health problem, you should seek advice from a medical professional.
Individual response to using SafeSpace products may vary depending on the particular circumstances of one’s current level of health and physical fitness.
Dimensional Design Products, Inc.